Month: July 2017
Updated on August 14, 2017
Funky Fluff Swim Diaper Review
No, you’re not seeing things! Funky Fluff just recently launched their very own swim diaper, and Funky Fluffians the world over are rejoicing! There’s something just so great about the fit of a Funky Fluff LUX diaper, and …
Updated on August 14, 2017
Splash in the Sun with Bummis
After the recent heat wave here in Calgary, it’s fair to say summer is in full swing. One of the ways we like to keep cool is to fill up the kiddie pool and turn on the sprinkler …
Updated on July 8, 2017
Les Produits de MaYa In The Woods Summer Survival Giveaway
Do you find yourself spending a whole lot of time outdoors in the summer? My family spends loads of time outdoors throughout the summer. That means I need to stock up on two things: sun lotion and bug …
Updated on July 8, 2017
Just 4 You Baby Designs Hybrid Nightly Essential Review
I received this item at no cost in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own. Have you struggled to find an overnight cloth diaper solution that works for you super soaker? I happen to hang …
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