Updated on August 16, 2022
Car Seat Checks in Victoria: Now Available
I have good news for Victoria, BC locals! As many of you already know, I’ve been a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) since 2017. Part of my work as a CPST includes doing in-person car seat checks to help parents and caregivers feel confident using their car seats. I’m happy to announce that I am opening up bookings for car seat checks once again.
Posted on November 16, 2018
On The Go with the New Nintendo 2DS XL
It’s no secret that my family is a gaming family. A family that games together has more fun, right? Of course we enjoy all kinds of activities as a family from hitting up the local playground to playing a game of soccer on the weekends. Sometimes though, it’s a whole lot of fun to play a video game together. Whether it’s the Mario Kart competition I’ve got going with my oldest son on the Nintendo Switch (truth be told, he wins most of the time), or King Dad showing him the ropes in Castlevania on the Nintendo NES Classic, we can have a whole lot of fun together with Nintendo. The New Nintendo 2DS XL lets our family combine our love of gaming with our love of family outings! Now we can take the fun on the road! The New Nintendo 2DS XL has been the perfect first personal gaming system for The Heir, who is six, plus it’s now bundled with our favourite Nintendo gaming experience of all time: Mario Kart 7.
Updated on November 14, 2018
Exploring Our *NEW* Victoria Neighbourhood (+GIVEAWAY)
To say it’s been a busy handful of months for us over here would be a huge understatement! In case you haven’t been following my updates on Facebook, back in May of this year, King Dad, The Heir, Petit Prince, and I packed up our house in Calgary, Alberta and moved to Victoria, BC! It has been what I would call a “process” and I have so many things to share with you about this experience. I thought I’d ease into the experience by starting sort of at the end. After spending a few months living with family while our Calgary house sat for sale and we shopped for a home here in Victoria, we finally settled into our own place in August. We downsized BIG TIME (more on that another time), but we did it because we had a dream about what our life in Victoria could be. Our priority was to find a neighbourhood that offered loads of amenities within walking distance. Because when you go from a climate where -20C is the norm for 6 months of the year to one where it rarely dips below 0C, you want to take advantage of that climate year round. I am happy to report that we have found the perfect neighbourhood for our family and it is incredibly walkable! I’d like to introduce you to my favourite part of Victoria and show you what makes it so great!
Updated on January 24, 2021
Boosters for Big Kids? Buckle Up with the Chicco KidFit
This year The Heir has really grown up! He’s started grade one, he rides the school bus to and from school, brushes his own teeth, can pour himself a bowl of cereal and milk without spilling, and insists he no longer needs any help drying off after a bath. He’s officially entered the realm of being a big kid. Did you know that big kids aren’t ready to ride in the car without any type of car seat or booster? It’s true. Just because your big kid is becoming more and more independent as the days roll on doesn’t mean the adult seat belt alone is going to keep them safe in a crash. When it’s time for your child to move out of a 5 point harness car seat, they need to move into a seat belt positioning booster seat. I recently switched The Heir from a forward facing five point harness car seat to the Chicco KidFit Booster seat. How do you know when it’s time to make this transition and how do you choose the right booster for your child? Many parents have all sorts of questions surrounding this exciting and sometimes daunting transition, but the good news is that as a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) I can help! I’m going to cover booster readiness with the new Chicco KidFit Booster Seat!
Updated on November 14, 2018
AppleCheeks Learning Pants Review
If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll have seen the saga that was potty training Petit Prince. Being absolutely nothing like his older brother, I was pretty skeptical that the same potty training method would work for him. Much to my surprise, it really did work, and he’s now successfully using the toilet all the time! Yay! When we potty trained The Heir, he went straight into regular underwear 24/7 and we skipped the trainers altogether. For the actual potty training of Petit Prince, we did the same thing, but realistically we knew he might need a little back up here and there. Between The Heir’s school drop offs/pick ups and karate classes, and our upcoming family vacation, Petit Prince was going to be on the go a lot more than The Heir had been immediately after potty training. Enter the AppleCheeks Learning Pants from Baby Footprint!
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