Tag: Detergent

True or False: The Truth About Cloth Diapers

This post contains affiliate links. Have you seen the look? You know, the look. The look of sheer horror when someone discovers you use cloth diapers? I’m not talking about the look of “oh my goodness we just became …

The REAL Cost of Cloth Diaper Laundry

This post contains affiliate links. There are so many reasons a family might choose to cloth diaper their children. From the reduced environmental impact to having fewer harmful chemicals against baby’s skin to the cost savings, there are …

The Tide (Free) Has Turned!

There’s a new Tide detergent hitting the shelves and all I can say is that it’s about time! Rejoice cloth diapering parents! Tide Free & Gentle has a made a change for the better and I want to …

How To Choose A Cloth Diaper Detergent

This post contains affiliate links.  There are a lot of detergent options out there. A LOT. It can be downright overwhelming choosing one for your clothing let alone choosing one for your cloth diapers. But guess what? It …

How The Monarch Mommy Washes Cloth Diapers

I love cloth diaper laundry. I really really do. Maybe that’s because my diapers come out fresh and clean every time. By fresh and clean I mean no stink, no smells, no problems. Want to know how I do …