Tag: Avent

Six Tips for Donating Breastmilk #AventMoms

I received compensation for this post. All opinions are my own.  It may come as a surprise to some of you that breastmilk donation is a “thing”. If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, …

Introducing Baby To The Next Milk

How is it even possible that Petit Prince is almost a year old? The past eleven months have just flown by with him, and here we are thinking about introducing cow’s milk for the first time. With The …

Philips Avent Comfort Double Electric Breast Pump Review #LoveIsInTheDetails

I’m now eight months into my breastfeeding journey with Petit Prince, and it has been quite different from my breastfeeding journey with The Heir. From a tongue tie that was not diagnosed until he was four months old …

The Breastfed Baby’s First Bottle #LoveIsInTheDetails

There are two words every breastfeeding mom hears at some point along her breastfeeding journey. Maybe she heard them when she was still pregnant, or maybe she heard them when another mom was giving her some breastfeeding advice. …