Timing is Everything: Charting 101

Timing is Everything: Charting 101

Just relax and it will happen. Don’t you just hate it when people say that? If you’ve ever spent any length of time trying to conceive (and you’ve actually told anyone that you are “trying”), you’ve probably heard this from a well meaning friend or family member. I’m not going to tell you to relax. Instead, I’m going to tell you about timing.

If you’re anything like me, you were probably told that a woman’s cycle is 28 days long and ovulation occurs right in the middle on cycle day 14. Guess what? That’s not always the way it works. Shocking, I know. The first step to getting the timing right is to know when you’re ovulating. The best way to know when (and if) that’s happening is with a nifty thing called charting.

Four Fundamentals of Washing Cloth Diapers

Four Fundamentals of Washing Cloth Diapers

You’ve decided you want to cloth diaper. Awesome! Now what?!?! One of the first steps is to establish a great wash routine. You want a routine that is going to keep your diapers smelling fresh and absorbing well, but you also want to avoid irritating that precious little bum. Sound like a tall order? It’s not! Washing cloth diapers is easy, promise.

There are a four fundamentals of washing diapers that are completely universal. Whether you’ve got a high efficiency (HE) front loader, an HE top loader, or an old school top loader with a central agitator, these four “rules” apply.