Starting Fresh in the Fall

Starting Fresh in the Fall

Does anyone else feel like Fall is the time to start fresh? Maybe it’s just from spending twelve years of my adult life in school, but the Fall always makes me want to make a change. This year I decided that the thing that needed changing was my closet full of clothing. You know, all those pieces that have been sitting there for over five years just waiting to never be worn again? No? Just me? Well, it’s out with the old and in with the new around here! After going through my entire wardrobe I’d set aside six, yes six, bags of clothing that needed to go. The next step was to figure out where to donate all that clothing. I could have just dropped it off at the local Good Will, but I’d heard about an awesome clothing donation program run by H&M and decided to see what it was all about. 

Starting Fresh in the Fall
Is your closet overflowing?

It’s called H&M Conscious and here’s how it works. You simply drop off your unwanted clothing to any H&M store. The clothing can be in any condition, from tags still attached to tattered and torn. H&M processes all the clothing donations by hand to determine what can and can’t be worn again. Items that aren’t able to be reused are recycled into new textiles, and if that isn’t an option, then it is used to manufacture something totally different (like insulation). Cool, huh?

Starting Fresh in the Fall

Want to know what else is awesome about this program? You get a reward! Who doesn’t love a reward? For every bag of clothing you bring in, H&M will give you a coupon for $5 off a $30+ purchase. If you didn’t know, H&M has great clothing for kids and it’s where I buy a lot of The Heir and Petit Prince’s clothing, so $5 off is pretty sweet. Any size bag counts, and you can receive two $5 off coupons per day.

The first time I took two bags of clothing to donate to H&M, I was concerned they wouldn’t have any idea what I was talking about and I’d end up looking like a crazy person. That did not happen! The staff were totally familiar with the program and happy to take the donations and hand over the coupons. They were also really knowledgeable about the program and answered all my questions!

Starting Fresh in the Fall

If you’ve got old clothing taking up precious space in the back of your closet, pack it into bags and head over to H&M. Then you can fill that space with new duds for yourself or for your kiddos using that $5 off coupon.

How to turn your old clothes into cash! To find out more about H&M’s conscious program, click HERE.

What time of year makes you want to start fresh?

15 Comments on “Starting Fresh in the Fall

  1. You skipped a step in your closet cleaning: checking to see if your pal Lindsay wanted hand-me-downs! But for real, I think this is a great initiative and makes me love H&M even more.

  2. That is great to know! And yes, I have an overflowing closet too, you’re not alone! My town however, doesn’t have a H&M store…I know, we are so lame! I’d have to take a hour drive to Buffalo for the closest one. Kinda blows living in a small town. But none the less, awesome donation program they have! Awesome post!

  3. Love your blog! I hadn’t heard of this program, thanks for the info. I desperately need to do a closer purge. Did they mention the program’s end date? And did the coupons have an expiry date?

    • As far as I know the program will not be ending. The coupons I have don’t expire until mid 2016, so there’s lots of time to use them! Thanks for reading! Glad to hear you’re enjoying the blog!

  4. What an awesome program!! I LOVE H&M clothing too!! Super cute and awesome prices!!

  5. I didn’t know. Awesome thanks for sharing. I’m going to check my local.

  6. I have never heard of this before. This sounds like a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless

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